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Trading Account

Trade the world with Aron groups

One-stop-shop broker for traders of all scales

Account overview

Trading conditions

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Please choose your account type:
Shares Asia
Shares Europe
Shares USA
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Arab Emirates Dirham vs IR Toman
3 Digit
100000 Contract size
-15.08 Swap Short
-57.49 Swap Long
35 days Grace period
-66 Swap after grace
No commission Commission
standard icon
Arab Emirates Dirham vs IR Toman
3 Digit
100000 Contract size
-15.08 Swap Short
-57.49 Swap Long
35 days Grace period
-66 Swap after grace
No commission Commission
standard icon
Arab Emirates Dirham vs IR Toman
3 Digit
100000 Contract size
-15.08 Swap Short
-57.49 Swap Long
35 days Grace period
-66 Swap after grace
No commission Commission
standard icon
Arab Emirates Dirham vs IR Toman
3 Digit
100000 Contract size
-15.08 Swap Short
-57.49 Swap Long
35 days Grace period
-66 Swap after grace
No commission Commission
standard icon
Arab Emirates Dirham vs IR Toman
3 Digit
100000 Contract size
-15.08 Swap Short
-57.49 Swap Long
35 days Grace period
-66 Swap after grace
No commission Commission
standard icon
Arab Emirates Dirham vs IR Toman
3 Digit
100000 Contract size
-15.08 Swap Short
-57.49 Swap Long
35 days Grace period
-66 Swap after grace
No commission Commission
standard icon
Arab Emirates Dirham vs IR Toman
3 Digit
100000 Contract size
-15.08 Swap Short
-57.49 Swap Long
35 days Grace period
-66 Swap after grace
No commission Commission
standard icon
Arab Emirates Dirham vs IR Toman
3 Digit
100000 Contract size
-15.08 Swap Short
-57.49 Swap Long
35 days Grace period
-66 Swap after grace
No commission Commission
standard icon
Arab Emirates Dirham vs IR Toman
3 Digit
100000 Contract size
-15.08 Swap Short
-57.49 Swap Long
35 days Grace period
-66 Swap after grace
No commission Commission
  • Commission

    Suppose any trading account or trader’s wallet is inactive for 90 days due to this inactivity.
    In that case, a maintenance fee of $2 per month will be charged from the account balance.

    Note that the maintenance fee is charged after the completion of the 90 days, and after that,
    it changes to 30 days.

    The deducted amount is $2 or its equivalent, and this fee is deducted as long as the balance
    of the user’s account is enough. After that, the account is archived automatically.

    If the account balance is less than $2, the entire account balance will be deducted, and the account will be archived.

    Remember that the broker’s wallets have been deactivated, and all dear clients must transfer or withdraw their balance.

  • Swap

    • Special symbol swaps in the standard account are as follows:
    • XAUUSD 20 days no swap then $55 per lot deducted nightly.
    • EURUSD 20 days no swap after which $12 per lot is deducted nightly.
    • DJIUSD 8 days no swap after which $150 per lot is deducted nightly.
    • Changes on the specific page Swap calculation time is from 02:00 am to 02:00 am the next day server time which includes open and closed days of the market.
    • The time difference between the server and country (GMT+3:30) it is 30 minutes, which will be added to the server time.