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Russia-Ukraine War Effects On The World Economy


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calendar Last update: 2 days ago
watch Reading time: 6 min

One of the most important happenings in the world currently is the war between Russia and Ukraine.

This war started in 2022, and more than a year has passed since the start of the year.

This war has created many crises for the world, especially the economic effects of this war are very deep and important.

In this article from Aron Groups Broker, we want to speak about the Russia-Ukraine war’s effects on the world economy.

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Why did the Russia-Ukraine War Start?

There are many reasons for the start of this war.

Russia claims that NATO is approaching its borders, and this war is creating limitations for the growth of NATO in the world towards the Russian war.

Also, Ukraine is using the western powers’ equipment to defend its country, this has created a war that has lasted over a year.

Aside from the killings and wounds, economic effects on the world economy have been disastrous for the world.

In the next section, we want to get to know the most important effects of the Russia-Ukraine war on the world economy.


Russia-Ukraine War Effects On The World Economy

The world economy has suffered from this war, and many crises have been created since the start of this war.

What are the most important effects of the Russia-Ukraine war on the world economy?


#1. Gas Crisis

The gas crisis has been the first effect of the Russia-Ukraine war on the world economy.

  • This gas crisis has been created by the sanctions on Russia, which was the biggest exporter of gas to Europe
  • Gas is among the most important energies of the world, and its lack of supply has created many problems for the world economy

Also, aside from the gas crisis, and the oil crisis that created the world, this crisis is still continuous, and the lower economic growth rate in the world is one of the results of this crisis, which happened during the Russia-Ukraine war.


#2. Supply Chain Disruption

The other effect of the Russia-Ukraine war is the supply chain problems in the world.

  • This war has blocked the transportation of the different ships supplying the food of the world
  • Supply chain disruption is a real crisis in the world and has slowed the economic growth rate of the world, also increased the living expenses and inflation rate across the different countries of the world

It seems that supply chain disruption will continue in the world, and is one of the most important effects of the Russia-Ukraine war on the world economy.


#3. Food Crisis

Both Russia and Ukraine are among the biggest suppliers and exporters of food in the world.

This war created a very important crisis, the name of a food crisis in the world.

  • The food crisis has increased the food prices in different countries of the world, creating pressures, especially on the lower economic classes in the world
  • This crisis is very important, and it will be continued in the future as one of the most important side effects of the Russia-Ukraine war on the world economy


#4. Higher Inflation Rate

The inflation rate of the world has been higher than ever in recent years.

  • Covid-19 was the major cause of the higher inflation rate in the world
  • The Russia-Ukraine war accelerated this rate, and now we have a high inflation rate crisis as one of the effects of this war on the world economy

A higher inflation rate is dangerous for the world economy and can decrease the investment and economic growth rate of the world.


#5. Higher Living Expenses

Living expenses are the other major risk in the world, and the Russia-Ukraine war is one of the factors that has created this situation in the world.

  • Higher living expenses mean pressure on the ordinary people of the world that will increase inequality across the world
  • With the continuation of the Russia-Ukraine war, it seems that higher living expenses will keep going

There are many reasons for the higher living expenses in the world, and the Russia-Ukraine war is an important reason for this global problem.


#6. Huge Immigration

Huge immigration is the other effect of the Russia-Ukraine war on the world economy.

  • Hundreds of thousands of Russian have migrated to other countries in the world, have left their home country due to the war, and forced for going to war for men in this country
  • Also, millions of people in Ukraine have left this country, and migrated to other countries of the world

For the further, this immigration will continue, and even can become bigger due to this war that can escalate to a global war.


#7. Lower World Economic Growth Rate

The World economic growth rate has decreased due to the Russia-Ukraine war, also there is a recession landscape for the world.

  • There are multiple factors for this slower economic growth rate, and even recession in the world
  • From Covid-19 pandemic, higher interest rates, and geopolitical tensions, are all reasons for this lower economic growth rate in the world


#8. Higher Rental Prices

One of the interesting effects of the Russia-Ukraine war on the world economy is rental prices.

  • In some places in the world such as Dubai, Russia has increased the rental prices, also the purchase prices
  • The other effect is because of the higher living expenses and an inflation rate that have increased the rental prices

The Russia-Ukraine war has increased rental prices around the world, and this has created pressure on people across different countries on a global scale.


 #9. Recession

Recession is the decline in the economy.

The world is facing recession due to higher interest rates, geopolitical tensions, and of course the Russia-Ukraine war.

  • The Russia-Ukraine war is the most important factor for the recession in the world, from creating an energy crisis to the food crisis, and lowering investment across the world


#10. Higher Energy Prices

Higher energy prices have created difficulties for ordinary people, and have increased their living expenses, and this is due to the lack of supply of energy caused by the Russia-Ukraine war.


Russia-Ukraine War Landscape & The World Economy

It seems that this war will be continued for the years to come, and these effects on the world economy will be continued.

The Bottom Line

In this article, we spoke about the top 10 effects of the Russia-Ukraine war on the world economy.

These effects are important and can change the prices and landscape for different financial and capital markets.

That’s why investors and traders need to realize the condition of the world economy that we spoke about in this article.

To start trading in the Aron Groups Broker, click here.

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calendar March 26, 2023
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