Top 5 Books To Learn About Technical Analysis Top 5 Books To Learn About Technical Analysis Top 5 Books To Learn About Technical Analysis

Top 5 Books To Learn About Technical Analysis

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Learning technical analysis is very important for the success of traders.

Using different types of trading strategies based on the market condition is only achievable by learning technical analysis.

But how do you learn technical analysis?

In this article written by Aron Groups Broker, we want to introduce you to the top five books to learn about technical analysis.

Table of Contents

What Is Technical Analysis?

Technical Analysis is about analyzing price charts to be able to predict the future movements of a security price.

  • Technical Analysis can be used for all types of financial and capital markets from the Stock market, and the Forex market to the real estate market, and the gold market
  • Learning technical analysis is essential for traders, many different topics in this space are related to the different shapes and algorithms of the future movements of the prices

Learning technical analysis is possible using different resources, from articles to books, videos, podcasts, and different types of content available on the internet.

The Best Way To Learn About Technical Analysis

There are a lot of different resources helping you to learn about technical analysis.

Are you aware of the best way for learning technical analysis?

  • Although there are many different resources available for learning in today’s world from videos to courses, podcasts, and articles
  • We believe in Aron Groups Broker that the best way to learn technical analysis is by reading the best books in this space

Books are complete, and comprehensive, and offer expanding views about the topic that is essential for trading successfully by traders.


Top 5 Books To Learn About Technical Analysis

In this section of this article learning technical analysis, we want to introduce you to the top 5 books to learn about technical analysis.

#1. Getting Started in Technical Analysis Written By Jack Schwager

Starting with the basics of technical analysis from chart patterns to indicators, this is a perfect book for novice traders looking to learn technical analysis from the basics.

  • Getting Started in Technical Analysis is an ideal book for novice traders, helping them learn the basics, and then entering I to the advanced topics of the technical analysis
  • The best feature of this book is that aside from learning technical analysis, you will learn about exit strategies, risk management strategies in trading, and how to create trading systems for different financial markets

You can’t find a combination of these strategies in one book, this is what this book has done, and is a perfect resource for learning technical analysis by novice traders.

#2. Technical Analysis Explained Written By Martin Pring

Known as the “Bible” of technical analysis, this book is your ultimate guide for learning all you need to know about technical analysis.

  • This book starts with the basics, going into the details of the topics, answering why aside from how to trade for learning technical analysis deeply
  • Both novice traders and professional traders can use this book for learning from the basics to the advanced topics of the technical analysis

If you are a trader, and you are looking for an awesome reference for learning and using technical analysis in your trading, this book is what you need.

  • One of the best features of this book is its simple sentences despite covering complex topics of technical analysis, which makes learning technical analysis for novice traders very easy

#3. Technical Analysis Of The Financial Markets Written By John Murphy

John Murphy is one of the famous traders with over 40 years experience in technical trading in different financial markets.

  • This book starts with the basics and Introduction of the technical analysis that you can learn, a perfect choice for novice traders
  • This is not what this book are offering, for learning technical analysis detail, this book is a perfect one, going into the details of the topics that are essential for the comprehension of the advanced topics of the technical analysis

If you are a novice trader and want to learn technical analysis from the basics to the complex topics in simple sentences, this book is a perfect resource for start learning technical analysis before diving into the advanced topics of technical analysis.

#4. Encyclopedia Of Chart Patterns Written By Thomas Bulkowski

Are you looking for an encyclopedia for learning technical analysis?

  • This book is written by a famous chartist and is a true encyclopedia covering all topics of the technical analysis
  • If you want to learn about all the chart patterns from the classic ones to the new chart patterns that you can apply in today’s complex financial markets, you can start reading this book

If you want to predict future movements using different chart patterns, this encyclopedia is what you need so that you can get to know different chart patterns and learn technical analysis from the basics to the advanced topics, and become a better trader in different financial markets.

#5. Technical Analysis Using Multiple Timeframes Written By Brian Shannon

This book is one of the best books for learning technical analysis, covering different topics of technical analysis from chart patterns to algorithms, short selling, and risk management strategies.

  • Also, this book advanced topics of technical analysis that you can use for trading in different financial markets
  • For those trades that aren’t dependent on a single financial market, and want to achieve the highest success by trading different strategies in different financial markets, this is the best choice

This book highlights using technical analysis strategies on different time frames that you can use for creating your trading strategies based on your lifestyle

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The Ending Line

Learning technical analysis is essential for traders, there are many topics, and strategies and these books help you learn them and use this in your trading.

In this article by Aron Groups Broker, we introduced you to the top 5 books to learn technical analysis.

Also, you can read Aron’s groups’ articles about technical analysis to expand your knowledge, and learn advanced topics of technical analysis, helping you to become a better trader and make more income from your trading career.

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