No Deposit Bonus No Deposit Bonus No Deposit Bonus

No Deposit Bonus

Aron Markets is proud to offer a special $1000 bonus to all customers who have recently joined the Broker or registered previously but have not made a deposit yet.

Terms and Conditions

• The bonus is scheduled to start on 04/03/2024 at 00:01 and will end on 06/04/2024 at 23:59 server time.
• This offer is exclusively available for customers who have not deposited to their accounts yet.
• Traders should start by opening a demo account called “No Deposit Bonus” which is a hedging account with an initial balance of $1,000 and a leverage of 200 for selected forex and 100 for crypto and Domestic market symbols.
• This account has no volume limit, but it does require traders to complete a minimum of 20 complete positions (open & close). Each position must be held for at least 3 minutes and cannot be closed before that time.
• The maximum capital loss is 20%.
• The minimum interest profit to receive a real account is 5%.
• The minimum duration of trading is 5 days.
• If the trader fails in this account, he can apply for a new account again, but having more than one account at the same time is not allowed.
• After the bonus’s deadline, positions will be closed on 12/04/2024 at 23:59 server time. Eligible candidates will be notified through a ticket after conducting necessary reviews.
• Note that to receive a Nano account, eligible customers must wait until the end of the bonus. The review process takes between 3 and 7 days.
• All eligible individuals who follow the rules and reach the target will receive a Nano hedging account with a $100 credit and a leverage of 500.
• This account will be available for 30 days and any profit generated will belong to the customer.
• In case you deposit to your assigned Nano or trading account, you can receive a 10% infinity bonus up to $750.
• The Aron Markets has the right to deal with the violator according to the rules in case of any violation or abuse of the rules of the broker, such as authentication with third-party documents and providing wrong information. These rules include blocking the account and banning from providing services in The Aron Markets.
• All general terms and conditions will be implemented in this bonus.

Risk warning

Forex trading and leveraged trading involve significant risk and can cause your capital to disappear. Be aware of the risks. It is suggested that you enter the market with capital that will not harm you if it is lost. Using leveraged trading is not suitable for every trader.
Non-leveraged trading, like stock trading, also involves risk, because the stock value is also constantly fluctuating and can cause you to lose part of your capital. Good past performance cannot guarantee your future success. Before starting trading, make decisions based on your experience and goals and consult with financial experts if needed. It is the responsibility of the users to make sure that according to the laws of their country of residence, they can use the services of Aron Markets or not. Please read the agreement form along with the broker’s general rules.

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