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New York Stock Exchange
  • New York Stock Exchange

    August 3, 2023 , Arash

    New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is one of the biggest stock exchanges in the world, located in New York City. It is considered to be the largest equities-based exchange in the world. The total market capitalization of this exchange is $22.46 trillion in 2023. It is one of the most active marketplaces all around the […]

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We Earn the “Most Rewarding IB Program” Award from FinanceFeeds
  • We Earn the “Most Rewarding IB Program” Award from FinanceFeeds

    August 2, 2023 , Arash

    We are thrilled and honored to announce that we have received the prestigious “Most Rewarding IB Program” award in the inaugural edition of the FinanceFeeds Awards. This recognition underscores our commitment to excellence in fostering mutually beneficial partnerships and providing top-quality services to our introducing brokers (IBs) and affiliates. Table of Contents A Beacon of […]

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Forex Trading platforms
  • Forex Trading platforms

    August 2, 2023 , Arash

    due to global financial problems, forex trading become more popular, and the number of investors using this market is rising. At the same time, the demand for software and trading platforms increased. Forex trading platforms are online software enabling traders to access the global market for real-time trade. The forex market is huge, and many […]

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The Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq)
  • The Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq)

    August 1, 2023 , Arash

    The NASDAQ stock market is the biggest U.S. equities exchange market according to the trade volume. If you have been involved in a stock market long enough, you are familiar with the term NASDAQ, and now it is time to look at this equity exchange closely. Here at Aron Groups, Broker, talk about the NASDAQ […]

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Types of CFDs
  • Types of CFDs

    July 30, 2023 , Arash

    A reliable broker always provides clients with a handful of opportunities and services. One of the fascinating services a broker can provide is CFDs. CFDs or contracts for difference is a popular type of investment in a brokerage. The difference we all talk about here depends largely on the type of financial asset that is […]

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Gold Trading
  • Gold Trading

    July 29, 2023 , Arash

    As a Forex Trader, you’re always looking for new investment opportunities that might hedge against inflation. Forex is a perfect place to hedge against inflations and keep the value of your asset if you choose the underlying acid carefully. Since 5,000 years ago, gold has been a popular investment in small and big markets. Mind […]

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Forex Trading Terminology
  • Forex Trading Terminology

    July 19, 2023 , Arash

    You may have discovered the Forex market from someone around you, from television or internet advertisements. A few words you have read or heard may have picked your interest. Therefore, you should try the market. The first thing you should do when you are interested in the Forex market is do some research and get […]

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Forex History and its Development in the World
  • Forex History and its Development in the World

    July 18, 2023 , Arash

    Forex is the abbreviation of foreign exchange, which expresses the conversion of two countries’ currencies against each other. After the popularity of Forex transactions and the dawn of Forex history, commodities entered the Forex platforms, besides the currencies, and started to get traded as Forex products. But where did it come from? And what is […]

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Analysis of financial markets
  • Analysis of financial markets

    July 10, 2023 , Arash

    Understanding the Financial market requires familiarity with the types of assets; we should know about the active companies and types of everyday market transactions. However, understanding the forces affecting the market and the factors affecting asset prices is necessary, as well as price forecasting methods, successful trading, and investment in the market are possible. To […]

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How to Buy and Sell in Forex Market?
  • How to Buy and Sell in Forex Market?

    July 10, 2023 , Arash

    The forex market is similar to any other market; you buy a currency pair (parity), then sell them more expensive after its price rise, and after that, you buy it cheaper after the currency pair you sell falls to make a profit. Forex transactions are spot transactions; they are not for futures. There is no […]

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